Welcome to the Cassini Magnetometer Data Archive (MAGDA)

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Articles published using data from this website should cite the following paper:

Dougherty, M.K., Kellock, S., Southwood, D.J. et al. The Cassini Magnetic Field Investigation. Space Sci Rev 114, 331–383 (2004).

and the following statement should be included in the Acknowledgements:

Magnetometer data supporting this work are publicly available on the Imperial College London MAGDA server

For presentations using data acquired from this website, please include the following note:

Data obtained from the Imperial College London MAGDA server

If presenting plots generated by this website, please also include the note:

Plots generated by the Imperial College London MAGDA server

If you have any questions or comments contact the team via email:

The Imperial College Cassini Magnetometer (MAG) Team webpages can be found here